CareerDay 2015
  at ceramitec


Do you want to pave the way for the future of your company?
Are you looking for new talent at the present time or in the foreseeable future? Then take the opportunity to highlight the strengths of your company to the next generation of ceramists at ceramitec 2015.

On October 23, 2015 at this year´s ceramitec there will be a CareerDay featuring lectures and panel discussions on topics of relevance to education, training and career paths in the ceramics industry.

Over and above the accompanying CareerDay exhibition at the ceramitec FORUM (hall B1) provides the perfect platform for personal exchange between young professionals and company representatives to discuss career and job opportunities as well as internships, seminar and exam paper topics.

The event is being jointly organized by the Messe München GmbH, the Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft (DKG / German Ceramic Society), the  “Nachwuchsnetzwerk Keramik“ (Young Professionals Network), the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) and the European Ceramic Technology Suppliers (ECTS).

For further information on the CareerDay and space options see:


Students and young academics
How do you reach your target group?

  1. The international, leading ceramics fair will bring all representatives of the business to one place. A perfect occasion for young ceramists at the beginning of their career to find out about job opportunities in the field.
  2. Experts from science and industry find a perfect environment to give students advice.
  3. Employers use a number of ways to support young people in their professional life and to retain their know-how in the field. At the CareerDay they can inform you about specific offers within their companies.

Past and future….
Information- and CareerDay of “Nachwuchsnetzwerk Keramik”

2013/2014 – all participants of the first two career fairs were thrilled about the load of information and the opportunity for personal communication between a predefined target group on both sides. More than 150 students and graduates and 30 participants from industry and research were present at the first two events.

2015 – the event is well on its way on turning into a jour fixe in the calendar of the ceramics industry.